Monday, December 13, 2010


Being forgiving doesn't make you weak; it proves how strong you are.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

Hey, it's been awhile.. Just thought I drop by to say something tonight.. ^_^

Pengen share something tentang hubungan jarak jauh yg lately sedang aku pikirkan. Sebuah hubungan yg dipisahkan oleh jarak dan waktu alias beda kota ato bahkan beda negara. I never been in that kind of relationship before tapi keliatannya cukup berat ngejalaninya.

Well, I don't really know what to say tonight. But I need to make up my mind very quickly whether I want to do it or not. I thought about someone these days, but the fact that he lives so far away freaks me out. I don't think I wanna do a long distance relationship with anybody. It's just too risky for me. Too painful.

I'm not a jealous person, but the thought of being away from someone I love and not knowing what's he doing or who's he with kinda creep me out a bit. You need trust, understanding and good communication in this kind of relationship. Blom lagi urusan bertemu yg tentunya butuh ongkos yg ga sedikit. Dilihat dari segi apapun hubungan ini sepertinya ga begitu bagus buat dijalani. And I don't think I can do that. I need someone yg ada dideketku en bisa aku ajak ngobrol anytime, bukan cuma lewat chatting di YM or Skype.

Apa sebaiknya orang lokal aja, jangan yg jauh-jauh??

I'll be back with this topic asap, as soon as I get rid of this feeling and get back on my track again.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Words Women Use

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"

This is a dare, not permission. Do not do it.

This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay," means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.

*Tell this to the men you know to warn them about future arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology!

And tell it to your women friends to give them a good laugh!

Oh, and before we forget ...

"WHATEVER"'s a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU!!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

About Forgiveness

Forgiveness is simply not about declaring it to people you are angry with. But it is a journey.

God ask us to forgive our friends, family, or even people we don't know well for what they have done that hurt us. When we hurt, the negative feelings (such as sad, angry, rejection) create a place in our heart, and stay there. The question is, how to wipe off these feelings? There are quick answers that we would have in mind, in example "forgive the one(s) who hurt you", "time will heal", or the best answer might be "God will heal"

Sure, God will heal, time will heal, and by forgiving, heart will be healed by itself.

The thing is it won't happen in a clap.

Forgiveness is a journey. And I believe, God know and will not force us to give our forgiveness right away because we are human and we have limitation.
We also cannot ask God to give a forgiveness heart if we still keep the hurts inside. We need to let go the hurts, which we have to realize that God did not put them in our hearts at the first place.

Work with God everyday. If it is too hard to forgive, simply ask for happiness. And actually, we do not have to ask, just open our hearts, because God give happiness in various forms into our lives everyday. We just need to accept it. In Math, if we keep add positive numbers to negative ones, at some point the negative numbers will change to positive.

We might cannot get rid off the hurts or hate easily. But by adding happiness and love in our hearts, little by little everyday, hurts and hate will be vanished. And when they're gone, we find that we have forgiven the one(s) who gave the hurts.

Again, it won't happen in a clap. It's a long journey. We can assess this journey every once in a while, just so we know where we stand in the journey. If we still can feel the hurts, we know that we have not reached the end of the journey.

Not to forget, there are people on the other side. Sometimes it makes it harder when we are hurt by someone, but still has to work everyday with this someone. Sometimes, distance makes it easier to heal ourselves and forgive.
Of course, some great people can work this out. But when we realize that the hurts are still growing when we're with the source, it is not wrong to take distance. In this case, we can try to build a healthier relationship again with the source of our hurts in order to assess our hearts. If we can still feel the hurts, we might consider to step back again, and work with our own hearts, as I stated above.

Is it a self-centered way? Some people might find that it is a self-centered way. But again, how can we love, if we are not fulfilled with love?


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Confessions of a Single Woman

The life of a single woman is a whirlwind of contradictions. One minute you like a guy, the next you don’t; one day you have $2,000 in the bank, the next you’re chasing pennies around the floorboard of your car to afford a McDonald’s cheeseburger for dinner; one week you feel single and fabulous, the next you just feel lonely and mediocre. It happens to the best of us. There is no real safety net for a single woman. No fierce protector. No knight in shining armor to swoop in and scare all the bad guys away when we’re feeling picked on at work. No protective cocoon to run to when we’re feeling our inner caterpillar is outweighing our inner butterfly. We are, quite literally – single. Singular. Solo. Alone. We have moments where we look at the martini glass as half empty, then kick ourselves for doing so. We have Facebook stalking expeditions in which we scope out all our exes just to see how balding and ugly and miserable they are now, then feel somehow betrayed when they look…dare I say it?...good. We have really brave moments when we kill an enormous spider or change a tire by ourselves and we become completely convinced that all we need to do is slap an “S” on our chest and we could save the world. We dance all night with our girlfriends then ace our presentation at work the next day going on nothing but Starbucks and adrenalin (and wearing the same clothes we had on the night before). We face the condescending looks at family gatherings and high school reunions when people learn that we’re not dating anyone and pat on us like we’re their pet and say: “Oh, don’t worry. You’re surely next!” We buy hundreds of dollars in wedding gifts and baby gifts and christening gifts and bar mitzvah gifts for all of our married friends without batting an eye, knowing that this might well be the closest we ever get to a gift registry. We lose jobs and friends and parents and lovers…and sometimes have no one but our pillow to witness our tears.

We fall in love - deeply, madly, passionately in love – and sometimes, they forget to love us back. Sometimes we love someone for years, without the other person even knowing we exist. We suffer in silence, hoping against hope that one day they’ll not just look at us, but really SEE us; that they’ll not just want us, but NEED us. Sometimes life offers us a second chance to get it right…and sometimes life just offers us a second chance to say goodbye. Sometimes even after all the hurt, and all the waiting, and all the hoping, and all the wishing…for reasons beyond our control, it still doesn’t work out. Sometimes you just know you know the only way to be true to YOU is to let him go. If we’re lucky, we have a best friend to reflect our hearts back to us and show us our strength when we’ve lost our way. And if we’re REALLY lucky, we have 46,000 incredibly brave, sassy, independent, beautiful, strong honorary best friends to inspire us to be a better version of ourselves…to walk our talk…to live up to a higher standard…and to never lose the faith that someday, some way, amidst all the many frogs, our Prince Charming will emerge and sweep us off into our Happily Ever After. This, my dear friends, is my way of saying thank you. Thank you for believing in what I have to say. Thank you for continuing to faithfully follow me. Thank you for keeping me on my toes and inspiring me to be the very best woman that I can be. And most of all, thank you for making me so incredibly proud to call myself a single woman. I am certainly in good company among you.

And here’s the good news…for you, for me, for all single women.

We are tough. We are bold. We are fierce. We are a force to be reckoned with. We face the world the single way every single day…and we don’t back down. We don’t let the idea of going to a movie alone intimidate us. We don’t let the threat of bumping into an ex stop us from going to the most fabulous party in town with our head held high. We walk a path that many women will never have to walk…a path that forces us to constantly step out of our comfort zones…a path that a majority of the women we grew up with and acted as bridesmaids for will never have to walk. The journey of a single woman is not an easy one – but we welcome the danger. We welcome the unknown. We embrace our freedom as the gift that it is…we pay our own way…we march to the beat of our own drum and we ask permission from no one to do so. There is a fire in the soul of a single woman that can never quite be tamed…an unwillingness to settle…an independence all our own, built from the knowledge that we can do absolutely anything without calling for backup and we can look damn good doing it. There is a wisdom we possess that comes from surviving many a broken heart…a shine to us from learning how to make an entrance into a room accompanied by no one but me, myself and I…a confidence that comes from knowing we are not afraid to fall…because each time we fall, Life presents us with another opportunity to get up and move up. We realize a happy life is more important than a happy ending…and that we don’t need a significant other to lead a significant life. And if one day, our Prince does find us, we won’t expect him to complete us, but to compliment us. Because we are strong. We are invincible. We are all…The Single Woman.

Follow Mandy on Twitter at

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Do We Forget Someone?

In life, we meet people. And one of them is going to make us falling in love, sooner or later. Bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi, ga ada yg bisa tau. It just happened. Suddenly, we find ourselves madly in love with someone we barely even know before. Qta bener2 jatuh cinta dan berbahagia sejenak.

But then bad things happened en membuat qta harus berpisah dan melupakan orang itu dari hidup qta. Entah karna ga cocok, atau karna jarak, ato karna hal2 yg qta sendiri ga ngerti dan ga harapkan terjadi, but it just happened. And now we're dealing with how to forget that person. Apa semudah itu dilakukan? No. Menurutku ga segampang itu. Untuk melupakan seseorang yg pernah masuk dalam hidup qta, bukanlah hal yg mudah.

Mungkin baru seminggu, sebulan, ato setahun hubungan itu berjalan en komunikasipun dibangun dengan harapan2 yg indah tapi ada perasaan yg ikut bermain dalam hubungan itu. Ada jantung yg berdebar-debar tiap kali ktmu dia, trima2 sms2nya, ato nungguin email-nya, ada senyum yg lebar tiap kali baca email dan message2nya di Inbox Facebook, ada tarikan nafas panjang tiap kali inget namanya en ada malam2 yg panjang karena susah tidur di awal2 masa perkenalan. Ada perasaan yg campur aduk disana. But then again, things are not going well as we expected.

So how do we forget this person?
I really don't know how.

Trying to forget someone you like or love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

Kedengarannya mungkin aneh, tapi itu benar. Especially if that someone is really special. Bagaimana caranya menghilangkan seseorang dari pikiran qta? Orang yg sekian lama memenuhi hari2 qta, menghiasi mimpi2 qta, bikin qta ketawa, bikin qta kangen, bikin qta susah tidur karna kebayang2 ama senyumnya terus?? Doh.

Some people say, time will help you to forget. Ada benarnya juga. Dengan berjalannya waktu, qta akan bisa ngelupain orang itu. Dan cara yg paling ampuh untuk memulainya adalah dengan menghentikan smua bentuk connection yg ada, mulai dari pertemuan, sms, telepon, YM, email en bahkan mungkin nge-remove dia dari list friends qta di jejaring sosial. Awalnya pasti berat banget. Pasti. But there is no other way. Dengan meng-cut smua bentuk komunikasi, tentunya akan lebih mudah buat qta menjalani hari2 ke depan tanpa orang itu. Well, tentunya lebih mudah teori daripada prakteknya yaaa, but that's the only way.

And....we have to let go.
Once we let go and realize that that person is not the one for us, it will get easier for us to forget. Melepaskan adalah point terpenting dari proses melupakan. Waktu qta melepaskan smua kenangan yg berhubungan orang itu, barulah proses melupakan bisa dimulai.

Dan yg terpenting adalah, qta butuh Tuhan untuk bisa melakukan smua itu. Tanpa pertolongan Tuhan, qta ga akan bisa bikin apa2. Kalo qta melakukannya dengan kekuatan dan kemampuan qta sebagai manusia yg adalah mahluk jiwani, qta ga akan berhasil. We need GOD to help us to forget.

I need GOD to help me to forget.
And He will definitely help me when I surrender to Him.

Yes, time will help us to forget. Time will heal the broken heart. Time will heal. But Jesus heals the most. Dia yg telah menanggung smua dosa, sakit penyakit, penderitaan dan kesengsaraan qta di kayu salib, Dia juga yg menyembuhkan dan membalut smua luka di hati qta dengan kasihNya yg sempurna, apapun penyebabnya. Dia yg slalu beri jalan keluar untuk smua masalah qta, Dia juga yg akan menuntun qta melewati masa2 sulit pasca perpisahan qta dengan seseorang.

Tuhan tentunya lebih tau yg terbaik buat qta. When we finally get over that wrong person, one day we'll meet someone, yg bener2 telah Tuhan sediain dari awalnya buat qta. Seseorang yg bener2 cinta ama qta.

Seseorang yg cintanya ama qta hanya bisa dikalahkan oleh cintanya kepada Tuhan.

So, how do we forget someone?
With the help of GOD.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Demam Bola

Lagi musim bola niiih.. ^^v
Aku sih ga gitu suka bola, dalam artian bukan penggemar bola yg fanatik. Bahkan seingatku aku blom pernah tuh nonton satu pertandingan bola dari awal sampe akhir. Ga pernah hafal juga nama2 tim ato pemain2nya. Palingan David Beckham, Ruud Gulit en Maradona. Mungkin karena aku ga terbiasa aja ama olah raga yg satu ini, aku jadi ga gitu tertarik ama perintilan2nya termasuk event World Cup yg sedang berlangsung 1 bln ke depan ini.

Tapi yg lucunya, kmaren dulu aku tiba2 jd fans beratnya tim kesebelasan dari Holland. Secara aku dari Ambon, en org Ambon cinta beraaat ama tim Holland. Itu karena kekerabatan yg kental antara Ambon dan Holland yg udah terjalin berpuluh2 tahun lamanya. Banyak banget orang Ambon yg tinggal di Holland, kira2 ada 64.000 0rg. Emang sih ga sebanyak org Ambon yg ada di Jakarta, kata temanku yg pernah iseng2 ngitung, tapi emang banyak banget orang Ambon yg tinggal, bahkan udah beranak cucu disana.

Yg kerennya, Kapten kesebelasan Holland ternyata bedarah Indonesia. Cool..!! Namanya Giovanni Van Bronckhorst, papanya dari Indonesia, bahkan mamanya dari Maluku, alias orang Ambon.. (

Daaaan, keliatannya aku org terakhir yg tau tentang hal itu. Hahahaha.. Kesian deh gw..
Rupanya smua temen2 dan sodara2ku udah pada tau sejak lama. Bahkan aku sempat diketawain pas bikin status tentang hal ini di Facebook. Maklumlah.

Anyway, karena alasan itu juga orang Ambon makin semangat ngedukung tim Holland. So, aku, jadi ikut2an semangat dukung tim Holland. Sangking semangatnya sampe 4 kali bikin status di Facebook, smuanya tentang bola dan Holland. En of course makin semangat lagi waktu Holland menang 2-0, skalipun gol yg pertama adalah gol bunuh diri dan gol kedua dibantu oleh tiang gawang.. ^_^

So I was thinking, mungkin aja ini jadi awal yg baru buatku menyukai bola, especially tim Holland. And I think it's great. Feels great too.

Eh ternyata hari ini tim Spanyol main melawan tim Swiss. Alamaaak, aku kan cinta skaleee ama negara Spanyol. Not their soccer team, but the whole things about Spain is driving me a little bit nuts.. Hehehe.. Aku suka telenovela2nya, budayanya, pria2 Latin-nya (dasar!) en of course bahasanya, karena aku pernah kursus Spanish beberapa tahun yg lalu.

Suddenly cintaku pada Holland yg baru dibangun 2 hari langsung berpindah pada Spanyol dalam sekejap. Hahahaha.. Jadinya aku dengan semangat ngedukung Spanyol malam ini. Aku jadi sadar en mikir, ternyata aku ga segitunya ama tim Holland. Aku cuma terbawa suasana aja karena euphoria bola yg sedang melanda. Kmaren dukung Holland, hari ini dukung Spanyol, besok entah dukung apa, secara masih ada 3 minggu lagi sebelum musim bola berakhir.

Well my point is, kecintaan qta pada sesuatu atopun seseorang harus bener2 timbul dari dalam hati qta. Bukan karena paksaan, bukan karena pengaruh lingkungan sekitar qta such as teman or orang tua en bukan juga karena ikut2an ato karena tekanan2 tertentu. Love or passion is something that comes from your heart.

Qta ga bisa maksain diri qta untuk menyukai sesuatu yg sebenernya ga qta suka, entah itu tim kesebelasan, pekerjaan, hobby, idola, bintang film, minat, jenis musik atopun partai politik. Kalopun itu qta lakukan, hal itu ga akan sempurna dan bahkan ga akan bertahan lama. Itu akan terbukti dengan berjalannya waktu.

So if you love, love with all your heart, or don't love at all. Itu menurutku loh.


Hati yg Gembira adalah Obat

Lately badanku kok rasanya ga gitu fit yaa.. Bukannya ngeluh sih, cuma sekedar pengumuman... Hehehe.. Alhasil, mo ngapa-ngapain jadi ga bisa. Bete-nya lagi, itu juga mempengaruhi suasana hatiku. Emang sih apa yg terjadi ama fisik qta bisa sangat mempengaruhi jiwa dan roh qta. Kondisi tubuh yg lemah, nyeri en ga prima bisa bikin qta jadi ga maksimal dalam mengerjakan sesuatu.

En itu yg aku alami udah hampir 1 bulan ini. Aku otomatis harus mengurangi kegiatanku di luar rumah, karena harus bed rest untuk ngurangin sakit di tulang belakang dan tulang ekorku. Aku hanya pergi kalo ada acara yg penting aja, itupun sambil meriang en minum pain killer. Selebihnya aku di rumah en harus banyak berbaring untuk mengurangi beban di tubuh bagian bawah. Crap, what an awful situation. Tadinya aku berpikir seperti itu.

Apalagi menurut Orthopedist-ku, sakitku ini ga bisa dihilangkan dengan tindakan medis seperti operasi ato therapy. Aku cuma disuruh ngurangi kegiatan duduk, relax en minum supplement. Tapi so far hal itu blum berhasil ngurangin pain-ku. Another crap.

But, hey. Itu kata dokter dunia.
Aku punya dokter di atas segala dokter. Tabib yg mulia. Jehovah Raphah.
Yeshua Hamasiah a.k.a as Yesus Kristus.

And He said, hati yg gembira adalah obat yg manjur tapi semangat yg patah mengeringkan tulang. Hmmmmm, that's a very easy way to get heal, don't you think?? Tapi itu patut dicoba.

So I did that. Aku berusaha untuk ga mikirin badanku yg lagi nyeri-nyeri atopun meriang ini. Ake 'setel' hatiku ke mood riang, mikirin yg lucu-lucu, dengerin lagu2 yg ga mellow alias upbeat, liat2 foto-foto waktu ke Israel en pokoknya berusaha bersikap riang en ga mikirin yg sedih-sedih. Aku tetap nyatain imanku bahwa aku udah sembuh, Tuhan udah nyembuhin aku 2000 thn yg lalu di kayu salib en oleh bilur-bilurNya aku udah sembuh, amin.

En it works!!!
Semakin ga aku pikirin, pain-nya semakin berkurang. Semakin aku bersukacita, tubuhku rasanya makin pulih. Semakin aku bergembira, aku merasa makin sembuh dan makin kuat.
Puji Tuhan..

I always know Firman Tuhan itu emang ya dan amin. Selama qta beriman en melakukannya, hal itu akan terjadi pada qta. The truth finally will set you free. The Word of God heals. Hati yg gembira emang obat yg manjur.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jus Wortel dan Seledri

Ini adalah Jus kesukaanku. Menu sarapan pertama setiap pagi sebelum Roti ato makanan lainnya. Soalnya Jus ini (en Jus apapun juga) harus diminum dalam keadaan perut kosong, supaya dapat dicerna dengan baik oleh usus. Baru 15-20 menit kemudian, aku makan Roti Gandum, Havermut or Nasi Goreng.

Bahan dan cara bikinnya gampang kok.. Untuk 1 gelas Jus ato kira-kira 8 oz diperlukan:

6-7 Wortel
1 Batang Seledri Import
Alat Juicer (bukan Blender loh..)

Caranya: Wortel dikupas trus semua bahan dicuci bersih pake air mateng, lalu masukin satu per satu ke dalam Juicer untuk diproses. Jadi deh..

Seledri bisa diganti dengan 1 buah Apel, Bayam ato seperempat Beet. Tapi tetap yg utama adalah Wortel, dengan perbandingan 30%-70%. Artinya campuran Wortel harus lebih banyak dari yg lainnya.

Nge-jus sendiri tentu hasilnya lebih baik daripada jus-jus kemasanan yg dijual dipasaran yg pastinya udah diberi pengawet, pemanis dan perasa yg telah terbukti merupakan zat adiktif yg menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit.

So, buat aku, sekalipun agak repot dikit, ga papalah.. It's worth it kok, beneran.

I'll share about juicing and all the benefits in my other post, but for now, mudah2an ini bisa bermanfaat buat kamu.

Happy Juicing..!!

Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd
I shall not want
He makes me to lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside the still waters
He restores my soul
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil
For You are with me
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me
You prepare a table before me
In the presence of my enemies
You anoint my head with oil
My cup runs over

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD

My life is my miracle..

My life is my miracle, hidupku adalah mukjizatku..

Ga tau knapa tapi judul inilah yg akhirnya aku pilih buat jadi judul blog baruku ini. Tadinya sempat bingung juga mo milih judul apa, secara rencananya baru besok baru mulai posting. Tapi akhirnya nulis juga padahal udah jam 00.15 am, waktunya untuk tidur meluk bantal..

Anyway, kembali ke soal judul tadi.. Hidupku yg aku jalani hari ini adalah mukjizat dari Tuhan. Aku bisa aja meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil 19 tahun yg lalu, but no, Tuhan punya sebuah rencana yg indah buatku. Iblis mungkin bisa aja mereka-reka yg jahat buatku waktu itu, tapi Tuhan slalu buat jadi kebaikan buat anak2Nya, khususnya buat aku.

Sejak kecelakan itu, hidupku berubah total. Selama 19 tahun ini aku belajar bergantung pada Tuhan dan berhenti bertanya kenapa aku harus duduk di kursi roda. Aku belajar menerima keadaanku yg 'special' ini dan mulai mencari tau apa yg menjadi bagianku di bumi ini.

Banyak yg udah aku pelajari dari hidup ini, banyak pengalaman2 baik or even buruk, jatuh bangun, susah senang, putus nyambung (ga penting bgt!) en bahkan proses pemurnian dari Tuhan yg sampe hari ini masih aku jalani. Buat aku itu semua adalah mukjizat.

En itu yg pengen aku share di blog ini.

Makasih buat Jo, yg udah ngebantuin sampe blog ini bisa ada. Aku banyak belajar dari dia.
As I always said, you're the best.. ^^v

Well, that's it for today..
Besok aku akan mulai nulis en upload foto, hopefully bisa day by day.
Aku harap blog ini bisa jadi berkat buat orang banyak, itu doaku malam ini sebelum tidur.
