Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

Hey, it's been awhile.. Just thought I drop by to say something tonight.. ^_^

Pengen share something tentang hubungan jarak jauh yg lately sedang aku pikirkan. Sebuah hubungan yg dipisahkan oleh jarak dan waktu alias beda kota ato bahkan beda negara. I never been in that kind of relationship before tapi keliatannya cukup berat ngejalaninya.

Well, I don't really know what to say tonight. But I need to make up my mind very quickly whether I want to do it or not. I thought about someone these days, but the fact that he lives so far away freaks me out. I don't think I wanna do a long distance relationship with anybody. It's just too risky for me. Too painful.

I'm not a jealous person, but the thought of being away from someone I love and not knowing what's he doing or who's he with kinda creep me out a bit. You need trust, understanding and good communication in this kind of relationship. Blom lagi urusan bertemu yg tentunya butuh ongkos yg ga sedikit. Dilihat dari segi apapun hubungan ini sepertinya ga begitu bagus buat dijalani. And I don't think I can do that. I need someone yg ada dideketku en bisa aku ajak ngobrol anytime, bukan cuma lewat chatting di YM or Skype.

Apa sebaiknya orang lokal aja, jangan yg jauh-jauh??

I'll be back with this topic asap, as soon as I get rid of this feeling and get back on my track again.
