Sunday, March 27, 2011

From This To That

Kadang2, dlm hidup perubahan demi perubahan terjadi. Dalam hal apapun. Dan itu hal yg sangat wajar. Itu juga yg terjadi dlm hidupku belakangan ini. Perubahan disana-sini. Dari mulai hal2 yg kecil seperti potongan rambut (yg aku putuskan untuk dipotong pendeeek banget akhir Desember kemaren..) sampe ke perubahan terbesar yaitu memulai ladang bisnis yang baru dengan bergabung bersama bisnis d'BC Network.

Dulu, aku orang yg paling ga suka ama perubahan. Entah karena takut ato malas, tapi perubahan selalu membuatku ngeri. :) Kayaknya gimanaaa gitu, keluar dari zona kenyamanan dan melakukan sesuatu yg baru yg belum pernah aku lakukan sebelumnya. But hey, a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do, right?? :) Dan aku tau it's time for me to do some changes in my life.

So here I am now, melakukan apa yg harusnya udah aku lakukan sejak July 2009 bersama Lintang dan Sally. Make that change with Oriflame and d'BC Network. Bersama2 meraih mimpi utk sukses dan mengubah keadaan dari yg biasa2 aja menjadi sesuatu yg luar biasa. Tentunya mereka sekarang udah beberapa langkah di depan aku, Sally sebagai Gold Director dan Lintang sebagai Senior Manager. Aku? 1 step lagi menuju posisi Manager. Dengan support system yg disediakan oleh d'BC Network, dgn jaringan yg semakin luas dan tentunya dgn pertolongan Tuhan, aku pasti bisa mencapai level Manager bulan depan. Amiiiiiin.

The Lord is always good. Dia ga hanya memberikan apa yg aku minta tapi terlebih lagi apa yg aku butuh. Dan yg aku butuhkan adalah bisnis yg bisa aku jalankan secara Online tanpa harus keluar rumah capek2 utk jual produk, demo, presentasi atopun bertemu calon klien. I don't have to do that anymore. Semuanya bisa aku kerjakan dari rumah secara online, mulai dari Training, nyari downline, follow up prospek dan pending member sampe ke mendaftarkan member baru. Praktis kan? Ga cape2 lagi mesti janjian ketemu di mall2 dengan calon klien seperti yg dulu aku lakukan di bisnis sebelumnya.


Perubahan adalah sesuatu yg harusnya aku lakukan lebih sering lagi. Ternyata ga terlalu serem koook.. :) Waktu aku mulai melangkah dengan iman, Tuhan pasti akan buka jalan dan hasilnya ternyata luar biasa. As long as I have faith in the Lord, believe in His promises, work hard, pray hard and stay focus on His Kingdom, I'll be great. I will move from this to that, from level to level and akhirnya mewujudkan apa yg aku impikan slama ini.

Go SM!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Love Is

Do you believe, as food is needed for the body, the same way love is needed for the soul. Food strengthens the body while love strengthens the soul.

A person is incomplete without love. Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build til the end.

Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Young People Ask . . . What’s Wrong With Premarital Sex?

This article is taken from a friends's Ministry in his Twitter account. A very great revelation for young people who are still single and thinking about having sex before married.

“I sometimes wonder if premarital sex is really that bad, especially when I feel strange for still being a virgin.”—Jordon.*
“I feel pressure to experiment with sex. I think we all have the natural inclination to,” says Kelly. “Everywhere you turn,” she continues, “it’s all about sex!”

Can you relate to the way Jordon and Kelly feel? After all, traditional customs and values that once discouraged premarital sex are all but gone. (Hebrews 13:4) A survey in one Asian country revealed that the majority of 15- to 24-year-old males felt that premarital intercourse was not only accepted but expected of them. Little wonder that throughout the world most young people have had sex before they reach 19 years of age.

Then there are youths who refrain from intercourse but who engage in so-called sexual alternatives, such as fondling one another’s sexual organs (sometimes called mutual masturbation). A disturbing report in The New York Times reveals that “oral sex has become a commonplace initiation into sexual activity, widely perceived by many young people as less intimate, and less risky, than intercourse . . . [and] as a means of avoiding pregnancy and of preserving their virginity.”

Just how should a Christian view premarital sex? And what about so-called alternatives to intercourse? Are they acceptable to God? Are they safe? And do they really preserve one’s virginity?
If a youth engaged in any form of fornication, could he or she be considered a virgin in God’s eyes? 

What Fornication Includes
An authoritative answer to these questions can come only from our Creator—YHVH God. And in his Word he tells us to “flee from fornication.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) Just what does that mean? The Greek word translated “fornication” is not restricted to sexual intercourse but includes a variety of lewd acts. So if two unmarried people engage in oral sex or in fondling each others’ reproductive organs, they are guilty of fornication.

But could they still be considered virgins—that is, in God’s eyes? In the Bible the word “virgin” is used as a symbol of moral purity. (2 Corinthians 11:2-6) But it is also used in a physical sense. The Bible tells of a young woman named Rebekah. It says that she was “a virgin, and no man had had sexual intercourse with her.” (Genesis 24:16) Interestingly, in the original Hebrew, the word for “intercourse” evidently included other acts besides normal man/woman intercourse. (Genesis 19:5) So, according to the Bible, if a youth engaged in any form of fornication, he or she could hardly be considered a virgin.

The Bible exhorts Christians to flee not only from fornication itself but also from all forms of unclean conduct that could lead to it. (Colossians 3:5) Others may ridicule you for taking such a stand. “‘You don’t know what you’re missing!’ is what I heard all through high school,” says a Christian youth named Kelly. However, premarital sex is nothing more than the “temporary enjoyment of sin.” (Hebrews 11:25) It can cause lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.

Serious Threats
The Bible tells us that King Solomon once observed a young man being seduced into premarital sex. Solomon compared the young man to “a bull that comes even to the slaughter.” A bull that is to be butchered seems to have no idea what is about to happen to it. Young ones who engage in premarital sex often behave similarly—they seem to show little or no awareness that there are serious consequences to their actions! Solomon said of that young man: “He has not known that it involves his very soul.” (Proverbs 7:22, 23) Yes, your “soul”—your life—is at stake.
For example, each year millions of youths contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). “When I found out I had herpes, I wanted to run away,” says Lydia. She laments, “It is a painful disease that will never go away.” Over half of all new HIV infections worldwide (6,000 a day) occur among those who are between 15 and 24 years of age.

A doctor informing a young man that he has a sexually transmitted disease
Those engaging in premarital sex risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

Females are particularly vulnerable to a host of problems related to premarital sex. In fact, the threat of STDs (as well as HIV) is higher for females than for males. If a young girl becomes pregnant, she places herself and her unborn child at further risk. Why? Because a young girl’s body may not have developed to the point of being able to handle childbirth safely.

Even if a teen mother escapes severe health consequences, she must still face the serious responsibilities that parenthood brings. Many girls find that fending for themselves and for a newborn infant is far more difficult than they had imagined.

Then there are the spiritual and emotional aftereffects. King David’s sexual sin endangered his friendship with God and nearly led to his spiritual ruin. (Psalm 51) And while David recovered spiritually, he suffered the consequences of his sin for the rest of his life.

Young ones today can suffer similarly. For example, when she was only 17 years old, Cherie became physically intimate with a boy. She thought he loved her. Years later, she still regrets her actions. She laments: “I took Bible truths for granted and suffered the consequences. I lost Jehovah’s favor, and that was devastating.” A youth named Trish similarly admits: “Premarital sex was the biggest mistake of my life. I would do anything just to be a virgin again.” Yes, emotional wounds can linger for years, causing stress and heartache.

Premarital sex can wound the conscience of a God-fearing youth

Learning Self-Control
Young Shanda raises an important question, “Why would God give young people sexual desires, knowing that they should not use them until after marriage?” It is true that sexual desires can be particularly strong during “the bloom of youth.” (1 Corinthians 7:36) In fact, teenagers may experience sudden sexual arousal for no seeming reason. But this is not something wicked. It is a normal part of the development of the reproductive system.

It is also true that God designed sexual relations to be pleasurable. This was in harmony with his original purpose for humans to populate the earth. (Genesis 1:28) Nevertheless, God never intended for us to misuse our procreative powers. “Each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor,” says the Bible. (1 Thessalonians 4:4) To act upon every sexual desire would be, in a sense, as foolish as hitting someone each time you felt anger.

Sexual relations are a gift from God, a gift that is to be enjoyed at the appropriate time—when one is married. How does God feel when we try to enjoy sex outside of marriage? Well, imagine that you have purchased a gift for a friend. Before you can give it to that friend, he or she steals it! Wouldn’t you be upset? Imagine, then, how God feels when a person engages in premarital sex, abusing the gift that God has provided.

What should you do about your sexual feelings? Put simply, learn to control them. Remind yourself that “The Lord himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness.” (Psalm 84:11) “When I find myself thinking that premarital sex would not be so bad,” says a youth named Gordon, “I reflect on the bad spiritual consequences and realize that no sin is worth the loss of my relationship with the Lord.” Exercising self-control may not be easy. But as young Adrian reminds us, “it leaves you with a clean conscience and a good relationship with God, free to focus on the more important things, with no guilt or remorse for past actions.”—Psalm 16:11.

There are many good reasons for you to “abstain from fornication” in all its various forms. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) Admittedly, this is not always easy. A future article will address practical ways in which you can “preserve yourself chaste.”—1 Timothy 5:22.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Gift of Family

We can't choose the family into which we are born. We can't choose our father, mother and siblings. When the time comes for us to start our own family, then we'll have the chance to choose. We can choose who will be our spouse (and I'm grateful to live in the time and place where I have the right to do so). Then later when we have children, we won't be able to choose who our descendants will be.

There are people whom God has entrusted in our lives, for us to have and to hold.

The people who are closest to us, whether we chose them or not, these are the people whom God has entrusted to us to honor and to love.

Family is God's gift that I value the most. My parents, my bothers, my sister, my sister&brother-in law and my nephews are the people who accept and love me as I am.

Mother Theresa once said that love begins in the family, love begins by the people closest to us at home.

So, if we are talking about changing the world and making it a better place to live, we should start with the closest ones: our own family.

Love extravagantly.
Enjoy life abundantly.
Never cease to cherish the people who are dearest to us.
These are the best gifts we can give to the world.

Warsiny and Me

This picture was taken in March 2009 when my fellow ministers from Cherubims Prophetic Ministry and I went to Israel and Egypt for 12 days on Prophetic Mission Trip. To our group, also joined me my brother Adlay and my nurse, Warsiny. It was a very memorable trip especially for Warsiny who finally, after hearing and learning about the word of God for almost 2 years, decided to receive Yeshua Hamasiah as her Lord and Savior, and gave herself to be baptized at Jordan River. Praise the Lord!

Warsiny was my nurse and was only 19 when she came to my house to serve me in July 2007. Spending 2 years with me, she became more than just my nurse but we became bestfriends even till now. She is like my little sister. She learned a lot of things from me, cos she was a quick learner and she always eager to learn anything new.

When she decided to be baptized in 2009 at the Jordan River, I was surprised. We were in Tiberias and headed to Mount Hermon on our second day in Israel. She wasn't a Christian at that time but she has learned that her salvation can only come from Yeshua Hamasiah and the only way to receive that, she has to give herself to be baptized as a symbol of her repentance. So, there we were, at the end of Winter in Israel, the wind was very cold, the water was freezing, and yet she already prepared herself with new clothes to wear after the baptism cos we still have to continue our trip after visit the Jordan River.That's her faith.

It was a very touching moment. A soul is saved and the Lord's name be glorified.

Luke 15:7 Thus, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one [especially] wicked person who repents (changes his mind, abhorring his errors and misdeeds, and determines to enter upon a better course of life) than over ninety-nine righteous persons who have no need of repentance.

Luke 15:10 Even so, I tell you, there is joy among and in the presence of the angels of God over one [especially] wicked person who repents (changes his mind for the better, heartily amending his ways, with abhorrence of his past sins).

Now, she's no longer working for me. She is studying in University to become a Registered Nurse in her hometome, Cirebon. She is now a born again Christian, lives with her sister, who also received Yeshua Hamasiah as her Savior few years before. We still talk on the phone once in a while, send text message and say hi on Facebook sometimes. I'm happy for her, now that she lives a life that she always dream of, to become a Nurse. I'm grateful for God's love for her. It was not a coincidence that she came to my house 4 years ago to serve me. There was a divine purpose for her from the Lord.

I pray, may the name of the Lord always be glorified through her repentance and the Lord always in control in Warsiny's life, now until forever.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Bowl of Ice Cream

I just loooooooooove this picture. It was taken on my birthday in October 2009. Me and Julian were sharing a bowl of Chocolate Sunday Ice Cream when my nurse took this picture. I was saying to Julian, heyyy you eat too much, how about meeee??? Hahaha...

It was a very memorable moment. I'm very grateful that my family was there for me to support me in every precious moment in my life. The LORD bless them and keep them safe always, amen,



I will not ask God to make my life easier.
I will ask Him to make me a stronger person.


Friday, March 18, 2011

The Way I see It

But the most important music you should listen more often is Gospel Music. It contains the words of encouragement which come from the word of God in Bible. Secular music usually contains lyric about love (eros), heartbreak, loneliness, anger etc. Listen to Gospel music can increase your spiritual growth, your level of faith cos faith comes from hearing the word of God in the lyrics. You can worship the Lord while you're listening to Gospel music, His presence surround you, you can feel His love heal your wounds, you can feel His strength strengthened you, and you will know that everything is gonna be okay because the Lord is in control.

You don't get that if you listen to secular music.


You'll Never Know

Don't ever lost contact with someone you love.
You'll never know what's going to happen the next day,
or the day after that. 
Even a single 'hi' or 'good morning'.
Before you know that someone is no longer there.
And you will regret it for the rest of your life. 


2 Kunci Untuk Fokus

Ini sebenarnya adalah tema khotbah malam taun baru 2011 kmaren yg disampein ama Pak Gembalaku di GBI Jagakarsa. Smalem aku baru baca lagi ayat ini karna aku save ayatnya di MemoPad di Blackerry-ku. En kayaknya pas banget ama apa yg aku butuhkan hari2 ini, fokus. Aku cuma pengen ngebahas dikiiiiit aja ttg apa yg Ruach Hakodesh nyatain buat aku ttg 2 kunci itu.

Filipi 3:13-14
13. Saudara-saudara, aku sendiri tidak menganggap, bahwa aku telah menangkapnya, tetapi ini yang kulakukan: aku melupakan apa yang telah di belakangku dan mengarahkan diri kepada apa yang di hadapanku,
14. dan berlari-lari kepada tujuan untuk memperoleh hadiah, yaitu panggilan sorgawi dari Allah dalam Kristus Yesus.

Aku akan kasih liat dlm terjemahan2 lainnya juga yaa..

2 hal yg perlu qta lakukan utk bisa fokus dlm panggilan qta sbagai anak2 Tuhan adalah:

1. Melupakan apa yang telah di belakang.
  • Amplified Version: Forgetting what lies behind me.
  • GW: I don't look back.
  • ASV: Letting go of the past.
2. Berlari-lari pada tujuan.
  • KJV: Press on toward the mark.
  • Amplified: Press on toward the goal.
  • ISV: I keep pursuing the goal.
First of all, aku harus ngelupain apa yg ada di belakangku. Tentunya byk yg udah terjadi dlm kehidupanku slama ini. Jatuh bangun, naik turun, on off, blom lagi drama2 dlm kehidupan yg ga penting banget, fall in love, breakups, broken relationships, kebodohan2 yg terjadi, kegagalan2 yg terjadi karna kebodohanku dsb dsb. Kadang2 rasanya nyeseeeeel banget kok hal2 itu bisa aku lakuin dlm hidupku. Kalo dipikir2 what was I thinking waktu itu sampe hal2 bodoh itu bisa terjadi. Kadang2 maluuuu banget nginget smua kesalahan, kegagalan dan kekalahanku di masa lalu. Hal2 yg harusnya ga terjadi tapi terjadi karna my lack of knowledge in certain areas of life. Orang2 yg nyakitin aku, teman2 yg ninggalin aku, kejadian2 yg menyedihkan, hubungan2 yg gagal, saat2 aku opname di RS.

 But heyy, itu smua adalah masa laluku. Dan masa lalu udah berlalu. Aku harus ngelupain kenangan2 ga enak itu dan ga boleh ngeliat ke belakang lagi. Smua itu jadi pelajaran berharga buatku supaya ga diulangi lagi besok2. Aku ga bisa ngubah apa yg udah terjadi tapi aku bisa mencegah hal serupa terjadi lagi di masa kini dan masa depan. What's done is done, en masa laluku ga men-define siapa aku hari ini. Aku udah berdamai dgn Tuhan waktu aku Perjamuan Kudus, memperbaharui perjanjianku dgn Tuhan. Aku jg udah berdamai dgn diriku sendiri, mengampuni diriku sendiri dan berdamai dgn orang2 yg menyakiti aku. Dan aku ga mau nengok ke belakang lagi. Aku ngelepasin smua itu dan menanggalkan smua beban, taro di kaki salib Yesus dan move on. 

Second, aku harus memandang ke depan dan berlari2 pada tujuanku, Kerajaan Elohim. Aku tau hidup ini cuma sementara, tubuhku ini cuma kemah sementara dan bumi ini cuma rumah sementara. Eventually aku harus kembali ke rumah yg udah Tuhan sediain buatku di surga kalo smua tugas tanggung jawabku udah aku selesaikan di bumi ini. Ada bagian yg harus aku kerjain sebagai anak sulung (secara spiritual) yg udah nerima panggilan kudus utk melayani Tuhan full time dan full heart. Aku bukan lagi berjalan ke arah goal-ku, tapi udah lari terbirit-birit, berlari sekencang2nya, secepat2nya di dlm track-nya Tuhan, dgn hikmatnya Tuhan, dlm tuntunan rohnya dan nyelesaiin pertandingan ini dgn sempurna.

Aku bekerja, berbisnis, kadang2 ke mall buat jalan2 dan shopping, hang out ama temen2ku skali2, tapi pandanganku tetap tertuju pada Kerajaan, fokusku aku arahkan pada panggilan Elohim untuk melayani, menyatakan kebenaran dan membawa jiwa2 yg tersesat datang padaNya. No more time buat leyeh-leyeh dan mikirin kesenangan dunia yg cuma sementara ini. Waktu qta dihadapkan pada penghakiman Tuhan nanti, qta ga ditanya, berapa banyak tas yg qta punya, parfume apa yg qta pake, udah punya rumah ato mobil berapa, gaji berapa, pencapaian apa yg qta dapat selama hidup di bumi ini. No. Tuhan ga bakalan nanya itu. Itu smua cuma bonus2 yg qta dapetin di dunia ini karna ketaatan dan kesetiaan qta ama Tuhan.

But it's not the goal. The goal is memerintah bersama Tuhan dlm kekekalan di Kerajaan Surga. Dan itu harus dimulai dari skarang. Akhir dari sgala ssuatu udah smakin dekat, qta udah hidup di ujung dari akhir zaman dan tanda2 akhir zaman udah smakin nyata. Bencana Tsunami di Jepang adalah salah satu tanda2 akhir zaman yg ada di Matius 24. Masa tribulasi udah di depan mata dan kedatangan Yeshua Hamasiah utk yg kedua kali udah makin dekat. Ga ada waktu lagi utk main2 ama dosa. Ini saatnya utk mengarahkan pandangan qta pada goal dan berlari2 menuju goal itu.

Ini adalah saatnya utk share the Gospel, jadikan smua bangsa murid Tuhan, ajarin tubuh Hamasiah ttg Baptisan yg benar, robohkan dokrtin2 yg berasal dari manusia, ajarin mereka utk membangun relationship secara pribadi ama Tuhan dan bukan sekedar bergereja seminggu sekali, dan jadikan doa sebagai nafas kehidupan qta, sebagai gaya hidup qta sbagai orang beriman. Apapun yg Tuhan percayain qta lakuin dlm hidup ini, pekerjaan, tugas tanggung jawab, lakukan itu dgn iman sambil tetap mengarahkan pandangan qta pada Tuhan dan KerajaanNya. With the help of Holy Spirit, I can do it.

Wahhh, jadi panjang yaaa..hehehe... I guess itu yg Tuhan mau sampein melalui aku malam ini. Untuk bisa fokus pada KerajaanNya aku ga boleh lihat ke belakang lagi tapi mengarahkan pandanganku pada panggilan sebagai hambaNya dan berlari2 menuju tujuan akhir yaitu memerintah dlm kekekalan bersamaNya.

Semoga sharingku bermanfaat buat siapapun yg baca tulisanku, kapan aja dan dimana aja. :) God bless us all.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Akhiri ajaa..

Ga ada yg lebih menyedihkan dlm hidup ini selain harus ngelepasin sseorang yg qta sayang. Ssorang yg udah jadi bagian dari hidup qta slama bbrapa bulan. Ssorang yg ada dlm hati, pikiran dan mengisi hari2 qta dgn senyum dan kebahagiaan. Ssorang yg qta kira bakal jd yg trakhir buat qta, yg bakal jd pasangan hidup qta.

Ga selamanya suatu hubungan berjalan dgn baik. Ada kalanya hal2 terjadi diluar perkiraan qta, diluar harapan qta. Hal2 yg membuat qta menyadari bhw hubungan itu ga akan berhasil, ga akan kmana2, ga akan berujung pada sebuah happy ending. Dan pada akhirnya qta tau bhw qta harus keluar dari hubungan itu dan mengakhrinya utk slamanya.

Tapi itu harus terjadi dan hidup harus terus berlanjut. Sometimes something good has to end before something great comes. Katanya. Tapi mungkin itu bener jg. Kalo hubungan itu ga bisa lg dipertahanin, ngapain dipaksain? Mungkin jodoh qta emang bukan orang itu, dan teteup ngotot ga akan bikin qta bahagia.

En ini jg berlaku utk hubungan2 selain dgn lawan jenis seperti pekerjaan, bisnis, tempat qta kerja ato apapun lah. Kalo emang qta udah berdoa ama Tuhan utk hal itu dan qta ngerasa udah waktunya qta akhiri, just do it, akhiri aja. Have faith in the Lord bhw ada ssuatu yg baik yg nungguin qta diluar sana. Ssuatu yg terbaik yg emang udah Tuhan sediain buat qta.

The best is always yet to come. Skarang sih emang sedih banget en masih suka kepikiran kalo pas mo tidur. Kalo pas siang sih ga tlalu berasa krn byk yg dikerjain, aktifitas dan produktifitas, ktemu dgn orang2, online, kerjaan, ngobrol, nonton tipi, dsb dsb. Pas udah mo tidur baru tuh kerasa banget kangennya..hihihi..

Tapi ya sud laaah. Ntar juga ilang kok perasaan2 itu. Tuhan adalah sumber kekuatan qta. Kasih waktu aja en ntar liat deh, waktu yg akan nyembuhin. Tuhan yg akan tolong dan kasihNya akan nyembuhin smua luka di hati qta. Dan nantiiiii kalo lukanya udah sembuh, siap2 deh buat nerima ssuatu yg terbaik itu, yg bener2 dari Tuhan. Horeee.

The hardest thing to do is 'Letting Go'. Not because you "want to", but because you "have to".


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Heart Aches

My heart aches when I write to you
My heart aches when I don’t hear from you
My heart aches when I long for you

I don’t know why
You’ve taken over my thoughts
I can’t explain

You’re still a stranger

Far away
I wish you are close to me

I miss your
Chatting with you
My heart aches cos I miss you..
(love poem) 


If I let you go

But if I let you go
I will never know
What my life would be
Holding you close to me
Will I ever see
You smiling back at me
How will I know?
If I let you go...


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Incompleteness in Absence.

Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists. When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness in absence. 


Friday, March 11, 2011

Family Moment

My birthday at Cafe Halaman, Bandung.
October 25th, 2010

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It Is Well..

 “When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I say, God says.

I say: "It's impossible."
God says: "All things are possible." (Luke 18:27)

I say: "I'm too tired."
God says: "I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

I say: "Nobody really loves me."
God says: "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3 & John 3:16)

I say: "I can't go on."
God says: "My grace is sufficient for you." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

I say: "I can't figure things out."
God says: "I will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I say: "I can't do it."
God says: "You can do everything through me." (Philippians 4:13)

I say: "I'm not able, I'm poor."
God says: "I'm able to make all grace abound to you." (2 Corinthians 9:8)

I say: "It's not worth it."
God says; "It's worth it." (1 Timothy 1:15)

I say: "I can't forgive myself."
God says: "I forgive you." (Romans 8:1 & 1 John 1:9)


One Fine Saturday

Thank God for these beautiful people in my life. :)


If happy and joy have the same meaning, why they are in different words? Well, it's because happy is in your soul, but joy is in your spirit and it comes from the LORD. Joy is a fruit of Holy Spirit. You can't develop joy if you don't have the Spirit of the LORD dwells in you. And to have the Spirit of the LORD, Holy Spirit, lives in you, you need to follow the procedure; repent, and be baptized (water baptism, not sprinkle baptism when you were a baby), in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

Anyone can be happy, a wicked person, a sinner, an atheist, a backslider. Cos it's in your soul. Human being is a spiritual being who has soul and lives in a body. Anyone who doesn't have the spirit of the LORD can be happy. But only born again children of the LORD who already received Holy Spirit can have joy in their life. Joy unspeakable. If you're happy, doesn't mean that you have the joy. But if you have joy in your life, you can be happy cos your soul is happy too.

Lately I've been thinking, what makes me smile everyday, especially these days? What makes me happy? Bad things happened, people are mean, friends left me, tears are shred, trials and tribulations, breakups, illness, but I'm still happy inside, rejoicing in the LORD.

The joy of the LORD is my strength. I wake up every morning and decide to be happy, to have joy for the rest of the day. Even if my backbone is aching, I feel pain in my lumbar area, but that won't steal my joy in the morning. The Bible says, a merry heart is a powerful medicine. When I'm happy, I don't feel any pain in my lumbar. Isn't it great? It's my joy everyday to see God is working among my family. I'm happy to see everybody around me is happy. It's a joy for me to see my parents are healthy and serving the LORD in their golden age. I decided to be happy, rejoice, thankful, grateful, no matter what happened around me, cos I have the joy of the LORD inside of me.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Time for Everything

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:

A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,

 A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,

A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,

A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak,

A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

What profit remains for the worker from his toil?

I have seen the painful labor and exertion and miserable business which God has given to the sons of men with which to exercise and busy themselves.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 
 Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 (Amplified)



Simplicity is resourceful. 
When you simplify your life, 
you'll find more room, time, energy, 
and interest 
to do more things.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Answer

My GOD is a great GOD. He doesn't give me the answer, He leads me to the answer.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is Happiness?

Yeah, what is happiness anyway?

Everybody is searching for something that will make them happy in life. Something that makes their life complete. Some people get happy because they have material things, some because they have power in certain position, some because they have great salary, a beautiful girlfriend or wife, or husband, some because they have a big house and servants, some because they have a chance to minister in some famous ministry, some because they're in love, etc etc..

But if our happiness depends on things we have, then so many people will never be happy in their lives.

Happiness is a state of mind. Something that you declare in your mind. Something that you decide to have in your life today, when you wake up in the morning every day . It's not depend on what you have or don't have. It's a decision.

Right now, I'm happy cos people around me are happy. If they're happy, I'm happy too. If my family is happy, I'm happy too. If my friends are happy, I'm happy for them too. I'm not looking for happiness from this world cos my joy comes from the LORD, but I'm simply happy because people around me are blessed, their dreams are coming true, their wishes are granted, their prayers are answered and they smile every time I see them.

A friend once said, "The LORD says time and chance happens to every person. Everyone gets their special moments and blessings".

I think he's right. The LORD is just.  
Everything is beautiful at its time. (Ecclesiastes 3)
Someday my turn will come. Soon.

Every day, when I wake up in the morning, I decide to be happy regardless what I feel physically. My physical pain won't stop me to be happy and joyful every day. It's not easy, but I try hard everyday until it become my habit.

Still the LORD is my source of joy everyday. And I'm blessed to have Him as my source of happiness in life.


Mr Umbrella

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Magnificent Obsession

Lord, You know how much I want to know so much
In the way of answers and explanations
I have cried and prayed and still I seem to stay
In the middle of life’s complications
All this pursuing leaves me feeling like I’m chasing down the wind
But now it’s brought me back to You
And I can see again
This is everything I want
This is everything I need
I want this to be my one consuming passion
Everything my heart desires
Lord, I want it all to be for You, Jesus
Be my magnificent obsession
So capture my heart again
Take me to depths I’ve never been
Into the riches of Your grace and Your mercy
Return me to the cross and let me be completely lost
In the wonder of the love that You’ve shown me
Cut through these chains that tie me down to so many lesser things
Let all my dreams fall to the ground
Until this one remains
You are everything I want
You are everything I need
I want You to be my one consuming passion
Everything my heart desires
Lord, I want it all to be for You
I want it all to be for You
You are everything I want
And You are everything I need
Lord, You are all my heart desires
You are everything to me


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Commandments of the Lord

Welcoming March

Today is 1st of March. How time flies..

I know the LORD is in control of everything in my life, so I won't be afraid to enter this month.

There will be...

Joy Unspeakable

And Love.. (*thinking about my little brother's new girlfriend :)*

Your word is the lamp to my feet and the light unto my path, O LORD..

Psalm 121 
I will lift up my eyes to the hills (around Jerusalem, to sacred Mount Zion and Mount Moriah) From whence shall my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven  and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand (the side not carrying a shield).
The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.
