Wednesday, November 21, 2012

As Planned

Not everything always goes exactly as I have planned, and so I must turn them over to God’s loving hand. I have totally messed up more than a time or two, 
in the things that I have attempted to do.

No matter the thought, the prayer, or planning I apply, the fact that I mess up cannot be denied. But that’s alright I’m only a human being you see, and I have a Heavenly Father watching over me.

A Heavenly Father who knew every mistake I’d ever make, before the very first breath He allowed me to take. He knew and He created me just the same, and offers forgiveness in Jesus’ name.

Not only is He forgiving but He lovingly guides and directs too, once I learned to surrender through and through. Every day He’s changing me from within bit by bit, and then lovingly making me aware of it.

Letting me see the accomplishments He’s made in me, as He prepares me to be all He wants me to be. I can’t take any credit I could never have changed on my own, I can only strive to share the love he’s so kindly sown.

So I reach out to those hurting and feeling despised, hoping to help you open your eyes. Hoping to share what’s being offered from God above, the most absolute and perfect love.

Won’t you call on Him or search in His Holy Word today, asking Him to help you understand all He has to say? Won’t you ask Him to take you by the hand, guiding you to salvation as planned.

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