Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Glorify The LORD In Your Relationship

It's sad to say that many people not just girls but both genders, can say that their boyfriend/girlfriend has took them clubbing, has shared a can of beer with them, has tried to push them into doing something they didn't want to do, so many people can say at least "yes" to one of those things. 

But think about it, how many can say their boyfriend/girlfriend has asked them to pray with them, has shared scriptures or a message they've learned with you, how many can say that their boyfriend/girlfriend has tried to help them grow spiritually with Jesus instead of growing farther away from Jesus because of sin. Sadly in this generation most people fall into the first category but there's still hope. 


Because today, there's still couples who pray together, there's still couples who read the LORD's word together, who worship together, who grow spiritually together, couples who still glorify the LORD in their relationship/marriage; not just with words but with actions. This people still exist and those are the people you should look up to not the ones who most people praise because of their sin, it may seem like all fun and games but sin is not a game to the LORD. 

It's your choice, being single or taken to choose whether you're going to glorify the LORD in your life or in your relationship because you have a choice in both, you can get involved with sin regardless of your relationship status.


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