Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Love the LORD

The LORD created us to love, but we cannot truly love the LORD if we are in love with the world, 1 John 2:15. When we love Him as we ought to, there will be little room within our hearts for this world or what it has to offer. But, when our love for Him wanes, then something else will fill its place. When you and I choose a path through life that leads us gradually away from the Lord and steadily toward the world, we should not be surprised when we wake up one day and find ourselves miles away from the Lord.

Backsliding begins very subtly. You miss a day or two praying and studying your Bible and before you know it, your mind isn’t on the LORD, but on the things of the world. You start to pay attention to that pretty young lady or that handsome young man at work and before you know it, you are in trouble. The devil never lays all of his cards on the table, but he comes slyly by enticing the heart and the mind, and before you realize it, you are in serious trouble!

Think about the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-24. When he left the father’s house, he was just seeking a good time. He just wanted to live it up for a few days. But, before too many days had passed, he found himself in a place he could never have imagined. He learned the lesson that “Sin will take you farther than you want to go; keep you longer than you want to stay; and cost you more than you want to pay.”

When you and I feed the flesh, we will find that its appetite grows beyond our control. It will demand more than we can give it! Be careful what you allow into your life. It might be your pleasure today, but it may become your master tomorrow!


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