Friday, May 31, 2013

Words from My Warrior King

As His Princess, this is what my Warrior King told me..

I need to choose my battles!

Every day can be a fight for something or with someone if I so choose. He wants me, His princess warrior, to choose my battles wisely, and fight for the things worth fighting for. There are so many things that stand against me in the battlefield, and there are so many worthy causes. But the enemy of my soul will entice me to fight the wrong battles in order to distract me from my main mission. I need to remember, that my fight is not against flesh and blood, but against evil forces in the spiritual realm. 

When I find myself in the midst of a war, I should not be afraid. I will call on Him in prayer and allow Him to deliver me. In His timing, He will give me the victory and bring justice to my afflicted soul. So I will not waste my time fighting the wrong battles. And I will never forget that the spiritual war is fought and won on my knees by my Warrior King, Yeshua Hamasiah!


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