Saturday, October 6, 2012

GOD's Best

This is something I really need to share right now.

Are You SINGLE?? 

For those who aren't married, YET!. This may be funny to you, but God said to speak things into existence, He knows your hearts desires. HE knows you want to be married & have a family one day of our own. He knows what you want in your Husband/Wife. 

So, I challenge you, even though you don't know who your Husband/Wife is yet. Pray for them!

Speak blessings upon their life, that God keeps them from temptation, that they will prosper, have good success, good health & will wait for you.

That God gives you the strength, self-control, wisdom & patience to wait for them.
That they will first LOVE THE LORD more than they will love you. 
That your home will be blessed, your children will be blessed & your children's children's' will be blessed! 

And remember, it's in God's timing, but we can delay the timing if we seek and try and make things that shouldn't! 

God already hand picked them out. 
I don't know about you, but I want God's Best!!

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