Thursday, February 10, 2011

I miss Cairo

Hi, guys.. I'm so sorry about what happened in Egypt these days. Sedih rasanya chaos is happening everywhere. But I know the LORD is in control and His protection is perfect for His body, His church around the world.

Foto ini diambil waktu aku di Cairo, Mesir, April 2009. Saat itu rombongan kami baru tiba di Cairo stelah 8 jam perjalanan dari Eilat, perbatasan darat Israel. Begitu nyampe, kami langsung menuju ke sungai Nil utk naik kapal pesiar buat dinner sambil mengelilingi sungai Nil dan menikmati pemandangan kota Cairo di malam hari. It was a very great experience! I've never been on the cruise before. I love the ship, love the view, love the food, love the belly dancer, love the moment.

I thank God for every minute I spent in Cairo with my brother Adlay, my nurse Warsiny and my fellow minister from Cherubims Prophetic Ministry. Cairo was beautiful, skalipun banyak juga tempat2 kumuh yg kami lewati, but over all it was great to be in a city that has so many history. I can still close my eyes and remember every precious moment I spent there. The Pyramid, the Museum of Cairo, the hotel, the food, the view from the window of our bus... I can still remember them all! :( Entah kapan aku bisa balik lagi kesana, mengingat keadaan kota Cairo saat ini yg porak poranda akibat kerusuhan dan demonstrasi besar2an menuntut turunnya presiden Husni Mobarak. I just hope and pray everything will be cooling down very soon in Egypt, for the sake of the body of Christ who live there, and of course for the people of Egypt.

I have a friend who live there. His name is Amin, he is an Egyptian and live in Cairo. I pray he and his family are doing fine during the riots. God protects him always.

My prayer goes to people in Egypt and Tumenggung these days. The LORD is in control and the body of Hamasiah is sealed by the blood of the Lamb, in the name of Yeshua Hamasiah. Amen.


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