Wednesday, March 9, 2011


If happy and joy have the same meaning, why they are in different words? Well, it's because happy is in your soul, but joy is in your spirit and it comes from the LORD. Joy is a fruit of Holy Spirit. You can't develop joy if you don't have the Spirit of the LORD dwells in you. And to have the Spirit of the LORD, Holy Spirit, lives in you, you need to follow the procedure; repent, and be baptized (water baptism, not sprinkle baptism when you were a baby), in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

Anyone can be happy, a wicked person, a sinner, an atheist, a backslider. Cos it's in your soul. Human being is a spiritual being who has soul and lives in a body. Anyone who doesn't have the spirit of the LORD can be happy. But only born again children of the LORD who already received Holy Spirit can have joy in their life. Joy unspeakable. If you're happy, doesn't mean that you have the joy. But if you have joy in your life, you can be happy cos your soul is happy too.

Lately I've been thinking, what makes me smile everyday, especially these days? What makes me happy? Bad things happened, people are mean, friends left me, tears are shred, trials and tribulations, breakups, illness, but I'm still happy inside, rejoicing in the LORD.

The joy of the LORD is my strength. I wake up every morning and decide to be happy, to have joy for the rest of the day. Even if my backbone is aching, I feel pain in my lumbar area, but that won't steal my joy in the morning. The Bible says, a merry heart is a powerful medicine. When I'm happy, I don't feel any pain in my lumbar. Isn't it great? It's my joy everyday to see God is working among my family. I'm happy to see everybody around me is happy. It's a joy for me to see my parents are healthy and serving the LORD in their golden age. I decided to be happy, rejoice, thankful, grateful, no matter what happened around me, cos I have the joy of the LORD inside of me.


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